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Suntory Sesamin EX 90 Softgels

Selling Price: $58.00
Selling Price: $58.00
Introducing Suntory Sesamin EX direct from Japan. Experience the seed of everyday health and youthfulness, loved by over 2 million fans for improving sleep quality, energy and appearance in just 8 weeks.

※ BRAND'S is an official distributor in Singapore. Please make your purchase through our official platform to have peace of mind about authenticity, freshness and quality of product.



do you have these concerns?

Having trouble sleeping

Having trouble

Experiencing fatigue due to high stress levels

Experiencing fatigue due
to high stress levels

Harder to maintain youthfulness

Harder to maintain

4 Main Benefits of Sesamin EX

what's inside SESAMIN EX?

Sesamin is a rare health ingredient that makes up less than 1% of each sesame seed. Therefore, eating sesame seeds alone is not enough.
Sesame, globally recognised as a health food, has been known to increase energy and prevent aging.
That’s why Suntory spent 30 years perfecting a proprietary technology to extract the goodness of sesamin from sesame seeds.

Suntory received an Achievement in Technological Research award from the Japan Society for Bioscience, Biotechnology and Agrochemistry (JSBBA) for Sesamin's practical application as a health food.
To date, Sesamin has also been recognized to be a health food and over 44 papers and 98 academic conference presentations.
power of tocotrienol and vitamin e
Tocotrienol is a super vitamin extracted from palm oil and rice bran that has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
Vitamin E is an important antioxidant extracted from soybeans that has great synergy with sesamin. Together, they help to improve sleep quality and maintain youthfulness.
survey shows how sesamin ex actually works
maintain youthfulness with Suntory Sesamin EX!
  • 71% who had consumed Sesamin EX for more than one year felt that they looked at least five years younger than their age.
  • 82% felt at least five years younger than their age.
*A survey was conducted by Suntory involving 7,310 respondents in their 50s to 70s who had consumed Sesamin EX for more than one year.
Good sleep and liver health! Good sleep and liver health!
  • 75.3% felt satisfied with their appearance and body condition.
  • 86.4% felt satisfied with their energy level.
*A survey was conducted among men and women aged 40 to 70 (n=1,099) who have consumed Suntory Sesamin EX for more than half a year. Those who believed that their actual age was younger than their actual age (n=737) were surveyed and answered "Strongly agree/Agree" to each question.
  • 1. Suntory survey as of December 2018
  • 2. H-B Foods Marketing Handbook 2021 No. 2 Function-Oriented Foods [[Sesame Extract Ingredient Category Share* 2019 Sales Value (Fixed)]] Fuji Keizai Co., Ltd
  • 3. Percentage of 2,919 men and women in their 50s and 80s who have been using Sesamin EX for over a year and answered, "very satisfied" or "satisfied". (Suntory survey as of January 2017)

Ghib Ojisan, Youtuber

Faith, Legal Counsel

My job can get stressful, and in a work-from-home situation with 3 kids running around, the stress accumulates. I found that I had trouble getting asleep. Even when I fall asleep, I don’t get into very deep or restful sleep.
I took Sesamin EX because I heard people talking about the benefits it brought to sleep. It really works! I fall asleep in more regular patterns… into very deep and rested sleep. So I wake up feeling energetic, and the energy lasts throughout the day.
As a side benefit, I feel my dark [eye] circles lightening!

Michelle, HR Manager

Due to my work nature and the stressful Covid-19 situation, I have lack of quality sleep. In the middle of the night, I will wake up 2-3 times to use the restroom. When I wake up the next day, I will feel very tired.
… After taking Sesamin EX, I felt like I could sleep like a log. I don’t wake up to use the restroom. The next day, I feel very fresh, like I really had a good rest and very good quality of sleep.

Steve, F&B Industry

I’m suffering from minor insomnia and am a light sleeper, so I tend to get up in the middle of the night. [I have taken] chamomile tea, peppermint tea, and warm milk… It helps at first, but a couple of weeks later, the insomnia comes back.
Sesamin EX was recommended by my brothers and had a good review. I tried 2 bottles at first. During my first bottle, I already felt it improved my sleep a lot… I could get back to sleep in a shorter time and felt more energised the next day.
I can feel the difference compared to other remedies!
  • Male,
    56 years old
    Waking up feeling refreshed every morning! No matter how late I go to bed, every morning I go to work on time, take Sesamin EX and feel refreshed, even though I’m not a morning person. I have so much energy that I’m even surfing on the weekends.
  • Female,
    42 years old
    look at the mirror and think, I still look alright! I’m doing my best! Compared to younger people, there are many things I’d like to change. But I take Sesamin EX and do the best that I can. I feel happy looking in the mirror every day. It’s probably thanks to Sesamin EX.
  • Male,
    66 years old
    I take Sesamin EX before working overtime.
    I take Sesamin EX thinking,
    it gives me strength! It feels as though power is surging through me from deep within, and I can work a little harder. I work in sales, so I’m thankful that my body allows me to be light on my feet.
  • Female,
    72 years old
    I’m smiling a whole lot.
    My body feels light, and I feel positive too. I’ve recommended it to my mother, and I feel like a salesperson for Sesamin EX sometimes!
  • Female,
    67 years old
    I don’t want to absent-mindedly grow old.
    When people retire, a lot of them end up staying at home and doing nothing all day. But I enjoy being involved in community activities and hiking up mountains. I take Sesamin EX each morning and psych myself up. If you don’t have energy, you don’t feel motivated.

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